Monday, May 23, 2011

25 Random Facts About Me

Here are some things you may never have known about me:

1. I once spent 5 minutes in a jail cell for stealing candy from an arts and crafts store.
2. I used to play the drums and other percusion instruments.
3. I go to Hershey Park every summer.
4. I can never pick a favorite movie, book, or food.
5. My whole school career I have kept an A average for classes and have never had a grade lower than a B on a report card.
6. I have a small library in my room.
7. I do not remember anything beyond 3rd grade.
8. When I sleep, I never have dreams. Or at least I don't remember them.
9. I express myself better through writing than I do through speech.
10. My mom's entire side of the family is dead.
11. I once got a squirrel to climb into my hand.
12. Clowns, heights, snakes, and spiders scare me.
13. I have never been outside of the United States.
14. I cannot type fast on a computer - I never took the class.
15. I like to go hiking and participate in outdoor activities.
16. When I get an idea, I write it down and store it. If it is a machine, I make blueprints and sometimes small working prototypes.
17. I am a rationalist - a form of Atheism.
18. All the pets I have ever owned have died within the month I received them. None from neglect, but all from random deaths I had no control over.
19. Everything in my room is randomly thrown about, yet I always know where things are.
20. I leave my change in the vending machine slot so it makes someone's day.
21. If there is a face-down penny on the street, I turn it face-up and walk away.
22. I usually don't eat breakfast, except on Saturday.
23. I usually stay awake until 11:30 at night.
24. I love country music.
25. I have been to the hospital more times than I have the post office.

1 comment:

  1. You had a lot of interesting and random facts that were fun to read. :)
